Monday, September 20, 2010

The Wonder of Stevie @ WIPO

In what must have been a magical moment, the legendary blind musician Stevie Wonder today addressed the WIPO General Assembly on the need for a breakthrough for the blind and others whose access to copyrighted works is limited.

According to IP-Watch:
Wonder said he was launching today a “declaration of freedom for people with disabilities,” empowering them by “providing them with the tools to learn and grow.”

"I understand that the EU, the group of Brazil, Mexico and Paraguay, the US and the Africa[n] group have proposed different plans on how to address the cross border transfer of information,” for those who are visually impaired, Wonder said. “And there are issues on how to develop a protocol that has a binding effect, and at the same time respects the rights of all involved.” “

It can be done,” he said. “We have the greatest minds in the world right here in this room. Please work it out. Or I’ll have to write a song about what you didn’t do.” He added that if WIPO could accomplish an agreement by next year, he would come back and sing a celebratory concert at the 2011 General Assemblies.
He also performed and promised to the obvious delight of all a return engagement if WIPO delivers.

Here's Stevie Wonder:

According to IP-Watch, Wonder said:
"It is time to “declare a state of emergency and end the information deprivation that continues to keep the visually impaired in the dark,” he told assembled delegates."
He's right.

BTW, IP- Watch deserves great credit for covering this so well and needs your support. It is the best independent source of reliable information on international developments regarding IP law - particularly those centered in Geneva. Subscribe now.


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